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Ruth George

A lifelong musician, Ruth George began pursuing her vocal study in earnest during high school, taking weekly voice and theory lessons with her grandfather, Dr. Dean Bouzianis. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics with a minor in French from the University of New Hampshire in 2013, continuing to study music theory, history, and vocal performance at the university level. While earning her degree she sang with the UNH Concert Choir and Chamber Singers under the direction of Dr. William Kempster and performed in lead roles with the UNH Opera Workshop, directed by Dr. David Ripley.

Currently, Ruth can be seen as a soloist and full-time member of three of the New Hampshire Seacoast's choirs: Cappella Nova MundiAmare Cantare, and Portsmouth Pro Musica.  She is in demand as a guest singer for church services, weddings, and funerals in the greater Seacoast area and enjoys collaborating with other local musicians to explore the full potential of music and community. Ruth also volunteers as an on-call singer with the Pease Greeters of Portsmouth, NH, performing the national anthem (American and international, as required) in ceremonies honoring service members traveling to and from their tours of duty.  

Ruth has dedicated herself to musical endeavors on the opera stage and as an oratorio soloist. During her undergraduate study, Ms. George's engagements with the Opera Workshop included leading roles in Menotti's The Medium (Baba) and Ravel's L'enfant et les Sortileges (Maman/La Tasse Chinoise/La Libellule), as well as extensive supporting roles in Gilbert & Sullivan's The Mikado and Menotti's The Consul. Notably, Ruth was the alto soloist in Bach's St. John Passion and in multiple performances of Messiah, and has been involved in several smaller-scale productions at UNH and with local choirs and theaters.

An accomplished choral singer, Ms. George has participated many international choral competitions, most recently with Cappella Nova Mundi in the 2015 European Choir Games and Grand Prix of Nations in Magdeburg, Germany. Her prior competitive experience includes the International Anton Bruckner Choir Competition and Festival (2011; Linz, Austria), the International Chamber Choir Competition (2013; Marktoberdorf, Germany), and the Mayo International Choral Festival (2013; Castlebar, Ireland), in which the singers claimed first place in multiple categories. She has also attended two masterclasses with the acclaimed English early music ensemble Stile Antico.  

"After silence,
that which comes nearest to
expressing the inexpressible
is music."
                                                                 -Aldous Huxley

© 2021 by Ruth George

Portrait photographs © 2017 K&L Photography

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